"This much I do know- I’m exhausted by the cumulative consequences of a lifetime of hasty choices and chaotic passions."

Hello. my name is Alanna, I'm 19 and this is my diary.
bmth ; ETF ; ESTK; Alesana ; skylit drive ; adtr ; tattoos ; zombies ; smoke ; scottish fold cats ; skateboards ; winter ; tumblr

In the cruel world of love, I've learnt that promises aren't contracts, kisses aren't assurance, sweet words aren't guarantees, big hugs aren't bonds, and there's nothing permanent in this life.
One day, his mine, the next day, he's gone.Last night he was sweet, the next morning, he's insensitive. Yesterday, I've cried. Tonight, I despair. Tomorrow, I'll be strong.I've tried so hard, but it just can't seem to be enough. - leilockheart.
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